Personal Info

   It presents the patient's personal information including age, height, weight, and blood group.

Upcoming Appointments

   It shows the patient's scheduled appointments along with the corresponding doctor's name.

Your Visits

   It lists the patient's visits to the organization, along with the date and the doctor seen during each visit.

Pulse Metrics

   It displays an area chart of the patient's pulse data from the most recent EHR entry.

Blood pressure metrics 

   It presents a line chart showcasing the patient's blood pressure data from the latest EHR entry.

Glucose metrics

   Represents the patients blood sugar level from the most recent EHR.

Recent Problem

    Showcases the problem from the most recent EHR.

Recent Medication

     Displays the medications added in the most recent EHR.

Recent Test order

     Displays the test order placed in the last visit.

Invoices and Bills

   Displays the total billing information for the specific patient.

Note: The patient dashboard can be accessed only after the patient logs into their account.