Forms are always a part of medical history addressing the need for a custom recording medium to collect and store diverse information related to the patient's health.

How to Add?

  • Click on the add icon to create and view the list of created master forms.

  • Click on the add icon to create a new custom master form.

  • Click on the add button next to any already created form to add it to the Forms module.

  • Once included, click on the add icon next to the included form to add details or click on the trash icon to remove the master form from the list.

  • Add the required information and click on the save button or tick icon to save the details entered (or) click on the back icon to discard details entered and exit.

How to Update (or) Delete?

  • Click on the edit icon next to any form already saved.

  • Update the required details and click on the save button or tick icon to save the details updated (or) click on the back icon to discard details entered and exit.

  • Click on the delete icon to remove a form from the existing list of forms.


  • Click on the ellipsis icon and click on the print option to print the list of forms added.


  • The Master Forms can be edited by clicking on them if it has not been already used in any EHR.
  • Clicking on the trash icon of a newly added Master form, to remove the form from the list.