View and manage your subscription details with 75Health.

Payment History:

The payment history of the user will be available along with the Plan, Date, Amount, Description and Status of the payment. The details of the Next Scheduled Payment date will be provided at the bottom of the page.

  • Click on the Payment History button to view the Payment history.

  • Once selected, the details such as Plan, Payment Date, Amount and Payment status will be available.

  • The details of the Next Scheduled Payment date will also be provided.

Manage Subscription:
  • Click on the Manage subscription button to view the Payment history.

  • Once selected, the details such as Name, Email and services will be available.

  • Click on the Create user button/Add users button or click on the ellipsis icon and choose Add users from the dropdown.

  • Choose the preferred user from the dropdown and click on the Proceed Payment button to proceed with the payment.

  • Click on the cancel icon to cancel the user.


  • Only the hospital users will be visible in the choose user dropdown.

  • The Administrator account can be Deactivated only after all the User accounts they have created are cancelled.

Edit Card Details - The details of the Card already in Use will be provided.


  • The billing cycle automatically begins once the trial period[14 days] expires and the date will be stored as the default due date.

  • If a new user is included in the middle of a billing cycle, the subscription fee for the user will be deducted on a pro rata basis immediately and the user will be added to the next billing cycle.