
Here, you have the option to create or add new users to your organization or hospital. This functionality allows you to easily manage your team by providing access to necessary tools and resources.

How to add users

  • Click on the settings button available on the left side menu or click the profile picture and choose it from the dropdown.

  • Click on the users option under the user management section

  • Click on the create new user button

  • Fill out the required information for each new user, such as their name, title, role, email and contact details, to ensure they have the appropriate permissions.

  • Click on the create or cancel button to create or cancel a new user.

How to activate a new user

  • Click on the users option under the user management section

  • Select the desired user 

  • Click on the user status button available in the basic information section.

  • Click on the active option from the dropdown.

  • Click on the save or dismiss button to save or dismiss the action.

  • You can also manage the privileges by clicking on the privileges option.

Access Privileges 

The roles created by your organization will be displayed in this section. Administrators have the ability to create, edit, or remove these roles as needed. This feature enables you to customize the responsibilities and permissions assigned to different team members, ensuring that everyone has access to the tools and information relevant to their job functions.

How to create a new role 

  • Click on the access privileges option available in the user management section.

  • Click on the create new role button.

  • Give the name and description of the role in the role name and role description textbox.

  • Set permissions for the desired role and click on the save button.

How to edit or delete a role

  • Click on the access privileges option available in the user management section.

  • Click on the ellipsis button available on the left side of the each role

  • Click on the edit role or delete role option to edit or delete a role.