Follow the below added directions to edit the Administrator and the user profile;
Profile Picture :
  • Save a picture of the user for identification purposes. The picture saved as a profile picture will also be printed on the ID card of the user.
  • Click on the camera or image icon option and select the desired picture from the folder to upload/save as a profile picture.
  • To add/update the profile picture from devices like mobiles or tablets double click on the profile picture field.

Update User name and details:

  • Click on the edit icon available on the basic information window to edit the user’s details. 

  • Update the first name/last name, Administrator Status[Admin page], and Mobile and click on the save button or tick icon to update (or) click on the back icon to discard the changes.

Email activation link?

Click on the [not activated] link available on the user's email if the account is yet to be activated,an activation link will be sent to the email ID to activate the account. Make sure you enter a valid email ID for the activation link to be sent.

User Status
  • User Status: This field can be used to update the status of the user to de-activated and the status can be activated once again by the Administrator if required.

Update SMS/Email Notifications preference:
  • SMS Notifications: Click on the dropdown and choose the preferred status for SMS notifications sent from this user account.
  • Appointment Reminder Preference: Click on the button to choose your preferred interval[s] from the dropdown.
  • Email Notifications: Click on the dropdown and choose the preferred status for email notifications sent from this user account.
  • Appointment Reminder Preference: Click on the button to choose your preferred interval[s] from the dropdown.
  • This SMS/Email status can be updated by the Administrator for the Admin account and for all User accounts and each User can update the status for their respective accounts.
  • This preference will activate/ de-activate SMS/email alerts for scenarios such as appointment notifications, referral[s], EHR complete, Email Pharmacy, and Email Lab.
  • A maximum of only two intervals can be selected for SMS reminders to be sent.
  • This status can also be updated from the Appointment page.

Update User Type
  • User Type - The status can be changed from STANDARD-USER to DOCTOR, once it is changed to the DOCTOR user type, it cannot be reversed.


  • Once a user's account is either deactivated or activated a mail will be sent to their registered email ID, informing them about the current status of their account.

Manage User:

  • Click on the manage button in users under the organization settings.
  • Enter the name of the doctor/user you need to manage.
  • Click on the particular doctor/user. Click on the edit icon in the privileges tab and edit the role.

Access Privilege:
  • Click on the settings button on the left side of the menu.

  • Click on manage in access privileges under the organization settings..

  • Click on the ellipsis button on the right side of each user.

  • Click on the edit option to edit the role

  • Click on the create a new user button and create an user.

  • Click on the edit icon to modify the user privileges.

  • Patient profile - Access to the patient profiles pages can be updated [view/no view/edit]

  • Calendar - Access to the Appointment pages can be updated [view/no view/edit]

  • Health Record - Access to the Health Record pages can be updated [view/no view/edit]

  • Billing - Access to the receipt pages can be selected [view/no view/edit/add only]

  • Click on the save button or the tick icon to save the changes made or click on the back icon to discard the changes made and exit.


  • No view - The user will be restricted from accessing the particular feature.
  • View - The user will be provided access to view the particular feature.
  • Edit - The user will have complete access to view, edit, and delete the details in the particular feature.
  • User privilege can be modified only by the hospital administrator user.
  • Personal details of the Doctor can be updated to the user profile.
How to add or edit personal details?
  • Click on the edit icon to add or update personal details.

  • Gender: Select the gender of the Doctor from the dropdown.

  • Education: Add the education details of the doctor here.

  • License No.: Add the license number details of the doctor here.

  • Click on the Save button to save the details entered (or) click on the cancel icon to discard the details entered and exit.

  • The medical specialty of the doctor can be updated here.
How to add Specialty details? :
  • Click on the Add button to add details.
  • Specialty: Click on the dropdown, choose and select the preferred specialty.
  • Click on save button to save the details entered (or) click on the back icon to discard details entered and exit.
How to update or delete Specialty details?
  • Click on the edit icon to update details.

  • Click on the already saved specialty, search, and select a new specialty.

  • Click on the save icon to save the details entered.

  • Click on the trash icon to delete the specialty.

  • Click on the x icon to discard the details entered and exit.

Note: - Multiple specialties can be added for the same doctor.

The print feature can be used to print the ID card of the user for identification purposes.
  • Click on the [Print] button to print the ID card.