Click on the desired time slot on the Appointment page to fix the appointment.

Appointment :

Date & Time: The chosen Date and Time will be visible here.

Patient: Enter the partial name or email id of a particular patient and select the required patient from the list.

Emergency Type: The appointment type triage can be updated here from the dropdown, you can choose Emergency, Urgent, Normal or Custom.

Emergency Type-Custom: If the custom option is selected, a description field will be added to the form to enter the emergency type.

Description/Visit reason: The visit reason of the patient can be entered here.

Highlight: The Highlight color code for the appointment can be updated here.

Status: The status of a visit after fixing an appointment can be recorded and updated as Scheduled/Signed in or In Progress.

Click on the Save button to save the details entered or click on the back icon Dismiss Button to discard details entered and exit, click on the trash icon to delete the appointment fixed, and click on the print icon to print a copy of the appointment details.
How to Update/Delete Appointment?
  • Update the required fields and click on the save button to update, or click on the back icon or Dismiss Button to discard the changes.
  • Click on the trash or delete icon to delete Appointment.

SMS/Email Notifications:
  • Click on the check-box available next to the Notify the patient via text option to send SMS notifications to the patient for the appointment.
  • Click on the check-box available next to the Notify the patient via email option to send email notifications to the patient for the appointment.
  • Click on the More button available to customize the view and to hide/show only necessary features.

Note :
  • Once the SMS/ Email Notification option is updated with your preference, it will be saved as the user preference for all appointment SMS/email notifications from your account until updated. This preference will also activate/ de-activate SMS/email alerts for scenarios such as referral[s], EHR complete, Email Pharmacy and Email Lab.
  • When an appointment is fixed/canceled by the health care institution for a patient, an email/sms will be sent to their registered email id/phone number[if provided by the patient] with the appointment details if the SMS When a patient schedules a web appointment with the doctor, both the doctor and patient will be notified with emails of appointment details if the Notify the patient via email option is enabled.
  • Scheduled indicates that the appointment has been scheduled, signed in indicates that the patient has entered the hospital and In progress indicates that the appointment between the doctor and patient is in progress.
  • The Go to health record option allows the doctor to create a new health record for the patient.
  • The appointment SMS/Email notification preference can also be updated from the User account page.
  • The Emergency type triage Emergency, Urgent and Normal can be updated by Premium users, other users can also opt to upgrade their plan to premium from here. The Custom option is available for Basic and Premium Plans plan users.