Healthcare providers refer their patients to other Medical Practitioners for further treatment or any type of medical procedure or advice.

Go to the Patient's Health Record page.

How to Add?
  • Click on add icon  for adding information

  • Search by Name: Enter three or more characters of the name, KDiD, phone, email, birth date and/or address of a particular doctor, and select the desired doctor from the list.

  • Referral to Doctors Name: Enter the name of the Referent doctor

  • Referral to Doctors Email id: Enter the email id of the Referent doctor

  • Referral to Doctors Phone: Enter the phone number of the Referent doctor

  • Enter Referral Notes: Enter any information or description of the referral as a note.

  • Click on the save  icon to save the details and send the referral or select cancel button  to cancel.

How to Update or Delete?
  • Click on the edit  icon available next to the saved detail in the list and update the details.

  • Click on the save icon to save the details or click on the cancel  icon to cancel.

How to View the Past Completed Referral list?

  • Click on the ellipsis  icon and select past cured Symptoms to check out the already cured [module] list. 
How to Complete a Referral?

  • When you create a new health record, click on the dot icon available in a saved detail from the list and click on the tick  icon to complete a referral or Click on x icon  to cancel.


  • Once you search and select the doctor, details such as name/email id and phone number [if available] will be automatically filled.

  • If the doctor you prefer is not an existing user of, you can enter their details such as Name and email id [both details are mandatory] along with their phone [optional] to refer a patient to them.

  • Every time you save a referral detail, an email [mandatory] and sms [if provided] will be sent to both the doctor and the patient.

  • Each time you edit a saved referral, an email will be sent to the recipient with the updated details.

  • When you update a saved referral as complete, it will automatically be moved to the Past Completed Referral list.

How to View the Past Completed Referral list?
  • Click on the ellipsis icon and select Past Completed Referral to check out the already Completed Referral list.