Details of devices that have implanted into the patient can be recorded.

How to Add?
  • Click on the add icon to add Implantable devices.

  • Unique Device Identifier - Add the UDI number of the device and click on the verify button to validate and add a device. Once added, the details of the device would be available.

  • Implant Date - Select or enter the date from when the Device was implanted in the patient.

  • Active - Click on the checkbox if the device is currently implanted in the patient.

  • Notes - Enter any notes or information as a reference here.

  • Click on the save button to save the details entered or click on cancel button  to discard details entered and exit

How to Update or Delete?
  • Click on the edit icon in the list to edit details of the implanted devices.

  • Update the required details and click on [save button]  to update or click on the cancel button to discard the changes.

  • Click on the trash icon to delete details of an Implanted device. 

How to Record Inactive devices?
  • Click on ellipsis and select inactive devices to show implanted devices from the existing list of Implanted devices.

  • Small pull down screen shows up, click on the tick icon if the Device is inactive or click on the x icon  to cancel.

How to View the Inactive Devices list?
  • Click on the ellipsis  and select Inactive devices to view the already Inactivated devices list.

  • You can also move any Device from the Inactive devices list to the current EHR by clicking on the add icon available next to each already inactivated device.

To save Devices, the UDI number and Implant date [by default, this will be the current date] details are mandatory.

The dot on the left side of the Device indicates an existing implanted device from previous doctor visits and cannot be modified here, but can be updated as inactive.

Clicking outside/anywhere after adding data to any module will help you to save the details included. The Save/ Save & Add button will also allow you to save details.