Healthcare providers recommend Vaccines and Immunization procedures to protect a patient against infections or diseases and to stimulate their body's own immune system to safeguard them from subsequent infections.

Go to the Patient's Health Record page.
How to Add?
  • Click on the add icon to add Vaccine.

  • Date dropdown - This helps the health care provider to select whether the vaccine taken date can be recorded or a reminder date needs to be set for the vaccine to be taken. Choose any one option from the drop down list.

  • Taken date : The date when the vaccine is taken.
    Reminder date : A reminder about when the vaccine should/can be taken.

  • Vaccine CVX : This helps the health care provider to search and identify the Vaccine CVX[Cactus Virus X] from the list provided. Choose any one Vaccine from the drop down list.

  • Vaccine: Any vaccine for the patient or any other information as a reference to be entered here.

  • Status : Click on the dropdown and select the preferred status to update the current status for the prescribed vaccine.

  • Click on the save button  to save the details entered or click on cancel button  to discard details entered.

  • Click on the ellipsis icon and select print to print the Vaccine and Immunization details.

  • Click on More and choose fields from the list to include them to the Vaccination form. 
How to Update or Delete?
  • Click on the edit icon to edit the already listed Vaccine for this visit.

  • Update Vaccine CVX, Vaccine, Taken date or reminder date details and click on save button  to update or click on the cancel button  to discard the changes.

  • Click on the trash icon to delete a Vaccine from the existing list of vaccines.

How to View the Past Taken Vaccine list?
  • Click on the ellipsis  icon and select Past Taken Vaccine to check out the already taken vaccine list or click on  to view both the favorites and past taken list simultaneously.
  • To save Vaccine selecting a Vaccine CVX and/or filling the Vaccine field is mandatory.

  • Once you click on more to show/hide fields to add or edit information to include fields or click on the x icon to remove fields and click save, it would be saved as your user preference and appear that way until updated next time.

  • Fields with active data will be visible when editing vaccines even if they are not saved in your user preference for the form or if it was manually included by the user. This has been done to provide the user with accurate data of all relevant information for each Vaccine.

  • When the reminder date gets past due, the color of the particular vaccine field changes color, as a reminder.