Test Order is the list of lab tests to be carried out for a patient. It can be any kind of tests that need to be done on a patient at the time of visit, or ordered to be carried out in a different lab. The health care provider may analyze the test results and come to a conclusion about the patient's condition.

How to Add Test Order?
  • Click on add test order icon to add Test Order.

  • Test Order Description (mandatory) - This helps the health care provider to search and add Test order codes from the LOINC codes list provided or test codes uploaded by you from the settings page. Type a few characters for codes similar to the characters to appear in the dropdown to choose. You can also manually add a Test code with your own description without using codes.

  • Notes - Enter any notes for the patient or any other information as a reference here.

  • Diagnostic Imaging - Select the checkbox if the test requires Diagnostic Imaging.

  • Click on [save button]  to save the details entered or click on cancel to cancel the  details entered.

  • Click on [Save & Add] to simultaneously save the data entered and open a fresh form to add more Test Orders.

  • Click on More and choose fields from the list to include them to the Test Order form. 

  • Click on the [Add result] button to add result[s] for the Test Order.

How to Update or Delete Test Order?
  • Click on the edit icon from the list to edit Test orders.

  • Update the required details and click on [save button] to save or click on the to cancel button to discard the changes.

  • Click on the trash icon to delete a Test Order from the existing list of Test Orders

  • Click on [save button]  to save the details entered or click on cancel  to discard details entered.

  • Click on [Save & Add] to simultaneously save the data updated and open a fresh form to add more test orders.

  • Click on More and choose fields from the list to include them to the Test Order form. 

  • Click on the [Add result] button to add result[s] for the Test Order.

How to Add Result?
  • Click on the add multiple results icon  available next to any saved test order to add results.

  • Result Description (mandatory) - This helps the health care provider to search and add Result codes from the LOINC codes list provided or test codes uploaded by you from the settings page. Type a few characters for codes similar to the characters to appear in the dropdown to choose. You can also manually add a Result code with your own description without using codes.

  • Result - The result of the test recommended for the patient to be entered here.

  • Notes - Enter any notes for the patient or any other information as a reference here.

  • Unit - The unit of measurement using which the result has been recorded can be added here.

  • Curated Range - Curated range is the range of normal value for the result of the given test order.

  • Abnormal - If the result is in an abnormal range, the check box will be automatically checked. Both Curated Range and Abnormal are automatically populated wherever possible, but providers can change the value and status. If the results are abnormal, the background color of the vital changes as a warning.

  • Click on [save button]  to save the details entered or click on cancel  to discard details entered.

  • Click on [Save & Add] to simultaneously save the data entered and open a fresh form to add more Results.

  • Click on More and choose fields from the list to include them to the Result form. 

How to Update or Delete Results?
  • Click on the edit icon in the list to edit Results.

  • Update the required details and click on [save button]  to save or click on the cancel button to discard the changes.

  • Click on the trash icon to delete a Result from the existing list of Results

  • Click on [save button] or  to save the details entered or click on cancel  to discard details entered.

  • Click on [Save & Add] to simultaneously save the data updated and open a fresh form to add more results.

  • Click on More and choose fields from the list to include them to the Results form. 

How to View the Past Test Order list?
  • Click on the ellipsis icon and select Past Test Order to check out the Past Test Order list.

  • You can also click on the plus icon  to copy a test order from the past Test Order list. The information can be modified before being saved.

  • To save Test orders, selecting codes or entering details to the Test order description field is mandatory.

  • Multiple results can be saved for the same test order.

  • On click, we display the recently used test orders by you to select and when you search for test orders by entering characters we display the most used test orders by you that are relevant to the entered characters.

  • Once you click on more to show/hide fields to add or edit information and click save, it would be saved as your user preference and appear that way until updated next time.

Graph View:
  • Click on the ellipsis icon and select graph result to view a graphical representation of the results added to any test order.

  • Click on options like All, 5y [Five Years], 1y [One Year], 3m [Three months], 1m [One month], 1w [One week], and 1d [1 day] to view the graphical representation of results added in these days.

  • Click on the show table view icon to view a table view of the details added; clicking again on the same icon  will reverse the view to the graphical representation.

  • Click on the maximize icon  to expand the view of the graph to full screen.

  • Click on the print icon available in the full screen view to print the graph details.

Test Code - The preferred medication codes can be added here along with the pricing.

How to Add Test Codes?
  • Click on the ellipsis  and select Test Code.

  • You can assign the details to the existing label[s] or create a new label and assign.

  • Click on the [Save Button] or  to save details or click on the cancel button  to cancel and exit.

How to Update or Delete Test Codes?
  • Click on the ellipsis and select Test Code.

  • Click on any already saved code, update the required details and click on [save button] or  to update or click on the  to discard the changes.

  • Click on the trash icon to delete the code.

How to add Test Codes into the Test Order?
  • All codes added here can be searched and selected in the test code field by entering a few characters.

  • You can also click on the select test code, search the code and click on the plus icon   to move it to the current visit Test Order.

  • To save a Test code, the test code and Medication fields are mandatory.

  • The Test codes can also be added from the settings page using the Hospital codes option.

  • Click on the ellipsis and select the Print option to print the test order details entered during the current visit.

Email Lab - Healthcare providers can directly send a test order to the laboratory and simultaneously notify the patient about the details of the lab.

How to add?
  • Click on the ellipsis  and select Email lab from the dropdown.

  • Search and select a user from the existing list of users in your organization or add the lab details manually and click on [tick icon] to save.

How to Send?
  • Click on ellipsis and select Email lab from the dropdown.

  • Click on the add icon next to your preferred laboratory from the list of favorite labs saved.

  • Confirm by clicking on the save button to send or click on back to cancel.

How to Update or Delete Favorite Lab[s]?
  • Click on the preferred lab detail and update the required details.

  • Click on the save button  to save the details or [back icon] to cancel.

  • Click on cancel  to delete the details.

Note :
  • The hospital-user details or the email address and name of the lab are mandatory fields to save a favorite lab.

  • Once you click on send, the test order details will be sent both via internal message and email to hospital users along with patient information.For external users the details will be mailed to them also along with patient information.

  • The patient will also receive an email and sms[if contact details are available] of the lab details.

  • A test order can be sent to multiple laboratories.

  • The details of the selected email lab[s] will be available below the saved test order in the EHR page.

  • Clicking outside/anywhere after adding data to any module will help you to save the details included. The Save/ Save & Add button will also allow you to save details.