Medication can be used by the health care provider to issue patients with medicine or treatment along with directions to use them.

Go to the Patient's Health Record page.

How to Add?
  • Click on the add icon to add Medication.

  • Medication [mandatory]: This helps the health care provider to search and add a Medication from the RxNorm codes list provided or from the Medication codes uploaded by you from the settings page. Type a few characters for Medication similar to the characters to appear in the dropdown. You can also manually add a Medication with your own description here without using codes.

  • Strength [Optional]: Enter the Medication strength with the unit or add it along with the Medication name.

  • Direction for use or Sig code [mandatory]: Enter the directions for use (or) select a sig code for directions.

  • Quantity or dispense [mandatory]: The quantity of Medication to be entered.

  • Refills: Option for the patient to repeat the medicine for the required number of times-refill to be entered here.

  • Start Date/ End Date: The directions for the Start Date and End date for the prescribed Medication can be added here.

  • Company: The preferred company name for the prescribed Medication can be added here.

  • Notes: Enter any notes for the patient or any other information as a reference here.

  • Click on More and choose fields from the list to include them to the Medication form. Click on the x icon next to the non-mandatory fields to remove them from the form.

  • Click on the tick icon to save the details entered or click on the back icon to discard details entered.

  • Click on [Save & Add] to simultaneously save the data entered and open a fresh form to add more Test orders.

  • Click on More and choose Show available next to any field from the list to include it to the Medication form and click on Hide available next to any field to the fields to remove them from the form.

How to Update or Delete?
  • Click on the edit icon to edit Medications.

  • Update the required details and click on [save button] or tick icon to update or click on the back icon to discard the changes.

  • Click on the trash icon to delete a Medication from the existing medications.

  • Click on [Save & Add] to simultaneously save the data updated and open a fresh form to add more medications.

  • Click on More and select notes from the list to update the Medication form. Click on the x icon next to the notes field[non-mandatory] to remove it from the form.

How to add/update medication code:
  • Click on the ellipsis icon and select the medication code option.
  • Click on the add icon in the existing medication code to add the medication code directly to the EHR.
  • You can also add a new medication code by clicking on the add new medication code button. The code added here will be reflected on the medication window. 
How to Record Past medications?
  • Click on the dot icon to record past medications from the existing medication history.

  • A small pull-down screen shows up, click on the tick icon if the medication is ended or click on the x icon to cancel.

How to View the Past Ended Medication list?
  • Click on the ellipsis icon and select Past ended Medication to check out the already ended medication list.

  • Click on the add icon that comes handy to copy the Medication[s] back to the medication list if required.

  • To save Medications, the Medication, quantity, and directions for use fields are mandatory.

  • On click, we display the recently used medications by you to select and when you search for Medication by entering characters we display the most used Medication by you that are relevant to the entered characters.

  • Once you click on more to show/hide fields to add or edit information including fields or click on the x icon to remove fields while adding or editing information and click save, it would be saved as your user preference and appear that way until updated next time.

  • Fields with active data will be visible when editing medications even if they are not saved in your user preference for the form or if it was manually included by the user. This has been done to provide the user with accurate data of all relevant information for each Medication.

  • The dot icon on the left side of the Medication indicates existing Medication from previous doctor visits and cannot be modified here, but can be updated as it ends.

E-prescribe: - Users from the United States with an active subscription can send e-prescriptions of Medication to Pharmacies any-time and easily from 75Health.

How to Set-up E-prescription?
  • Navigate to the e-prescription section available in the Settings page or click on the add icon available in the Medication module and select E-Prescribe to Setup and avail e-prescription services.
How to E-Prescribe?
  • Click on the E-Prescribe button available in the Medication module.

  • You will be able to access the E-prescription window using which you can add and e-prescribe Medication.

  • Medication added directly in the medication module will not be sent for e-prescription.

  • The Medication needs to be directly added to the e-prescription portal by clicking on the E-prescription button for e-prescription.

Rx-History: - Users from the United States with an active subscription can view their Rx History of e-prescribed Medication to Pharmacies from 75Health.

How to view Rx History?
  • Click on the [ellipsis icon] available in the Medication module and select Rx History from the dropdown to view the list.

  • You will also be able to view the e-prescribed active Medication details in the medication module.

Medication Code - The preferred Medication codes can be added here along with the pricing.

How to Add Medication Codes?
  • Click on the ellipsis icon and select the Medication Code.

  • Click on the add icon and fill details into the required fields.

  • You can assign the details to the existing label[s] or create a new label and assign it.

  • Click on the [Save Button] or tick icon to save details or click on the back icon to cancel and exit.

How to Update or Delete Medication Codes?
  • Click on the ellipsis icon and select the Medication Code.

  • Click on any already saved code, update the required details, and click on [save button] or tick icon to update or click on the back icon to discard the changes.

  • Click on the trash icon to delete the code.

How to add Medication Codes into the prescription?
  • All codes added here can be searched and selected in the medication field by entering a few characters.

  • You can also click on the ellipsis icon, select Medication code, search the code, and click on the add icon to move it to the current visit prescription.

  • To save a Medication code, the Medication code and Medication fields are mandatory.

  • The Medication codes can also be added from the settings page using the Hospital codes option.

  • Click on the Print icon.

  • Select the Print medications option to print the prescription details of the Medication entered during the current visit and the past Medication that has not been ended and are visible in the current EHR.

  • Select the Print Visit Prescription option to print the prescription of the Medication entered during the current visit alone.

Email Pharmacy

Healthcare providers can directly send a prescription to the pharmacy and inform the patient about the details of the pharmacy.

How to add?
  • Click on the ellipsis icon and select Email Pharmacy option.

  • Click on the add icon and search and select a user from the existing list of users in your organization or add the pharmacy details manually and click on the save icon to save.

How to Send?
  • Click on the ellipsis icon and select Email pharmacy option.

  • Click on the add icon next to your preferred pharmacy from the list of existing pharmacies.

  • Confirm by clicking on the tick icon to send or click on X or  back icon to cancel.

How to Update or Delete Favorite Pharmacies?
  • Click on the preferred pharmacy detail and update the required details.

  • Click on the tick icon to save the details or [back icon] to cancel.

  • Click on the trash icon to delete the details.

  • The hospital-user details or the email address and name of the pharmacy are mandatory fields to save a favorite lab.

  • Once you click on send, the prescription details will be sent both via internal message and email to hospital users along with patient information. For external users, the details will be mailed to them also along with patient information.

  • The patient will also receive an email and sms[if contact details are available] of the pharmacy details.

  • A prescription can be sent to multiple pharmacies.

  • The details of the selected email pharmacy will be available below the saved medication[s] in the EHR page.