A health care provider recommends a procedure with the intention to determine or measure a patient's condition, or parameters. Some procedures are therapeutic (i.e., with the intention of treating, curing, or restoring function or structure), including a large group of surgical procedures. Rehabilitation procedures are included in this group.

Go to the Patient's Health Record page.

How to Add?
  • Click on the add icon under the Procedure section to add the procedure. This pops up a small window, where you can enter the following information.

  • Procedure Code Type : Choose one of the procedure code types. ICD-10-PCS [International Classification of Diseases], SNOMED CT[Systematized Medical Nomenclature for Medicine–Clinical Terminology], and HCPCS [Health Common Procedure Coding System] and Procedure code [Codes added/imported by the hospital in the settings page under the Hospital Codes section] are the options available.

  • The code type that has been selected and saved by the user the last time will be saved as their user preference and set as their default favorite code type for all further entries.

  • Click on [Save & Add] to simultaneously save the data updated and open a fresh form to add more Procedure details.

  • Search and select code : Enter any code for the procedure and select the accurate code from the drop-down list.

  • Procedure : Enter any Procedure for the patient or any other information as a reference.

  • Status : Click on the dropdown and select the preferred status to update the current status for the procedure.

  • Click on  to save the details entered or click on  to discard details entered.

More :
  • Click on More and choose fields from the list to include them to the Procedure form. 
Note :
  • To save a Procedure, selecting the Procedure code and/or manually entering the procedure is mandatory.

  • Once you click on more to include fields while adding or editing information and click on save, it would be saved as your user preference and appear that way until updated next time.

  • Fields with active data will be visible when editing procedures even if they are not saved in your user preference for the form or if it was manually included by the user. This has been done to provide the user with accurate data of all relevant information for each Procedure.

  • CPT codes can be accessed and used only by Users that access the application from the American Medical Association[AMA] approved regions.

How to Update or Delete?
  • Click on the edit icon  to edit Procedures.

  • Update Procedure Code Type, Code, Procedure, and click on save button  to save or click on the cancel button  to discard the changes.

  • Click on the trash icon to delete a Procedure from the existing list of Procedures.

How to View the past Cured Procedure list?
  • Click on the ellipsis icon and select past procedures to check out the already cured [module]. 
  • To save a Procedure, selecting the Procedure code and/or manually entering the procedure is mandatory.

Procedure Code:
  • The preferred procedure code[s] can be added here along with the pricing.
How to Add Procedure Codes?
  • Click on the ellipsis icon and select Procedure Code.

  • Click on the add icon and fill details into the required fields.

  • You can assign the details to the existing label[s] or create a new label and assign codes.

  • Click on the [Save Button] or  to save details or click on the cancel button  to cancel and exit.

How to Update or Delete Procedure Codes?
  • Click on any already saved code, update the required details and click on [save button] or  to update or click on the cancel  to discard the changes and exit.

  • You can assign the details to the existing label[s] or  create a new label and assign codes.

  • Click on the trash icon  to delete the code.

How to add Procedure Codes into the Procedure?
  • All codes added here can be searched and selected in the procedure code field by entering a few characters.

  • Click the add icon in the added procedure code in list or search the procedure code and click the add icon to add it to the current visit Procedure.

  • To save a Procedure code, the Procedure code and Procedure Name/ Description fields are mandatory.

  • The Procedure codes can also be added from the settings page using the Hospital codes option.