Vitals are measurements taken to help assess the health of a person; they give ideas of possible disease or show progress toward recovery.
How to Add?
Click on Add button to add Vitals and choose vital item to be recorded, for example, choose Temperature
Temperature - Enter patient temperature to be recorded.
Unit - You have the option to choose different units of measurement like Deg F or Deg C.
Curated Range - Curated range is a range of normal values for the given vital measurements.
- Abnormal - If the measurement is abnormal, then the check box will automatically be checked. Both Curated Range and Abnormal are automatically populated wherever possible, but providers can change the value and status. If the results are abnormal, the background color of the vital changes , as a warning.
Click on the [Add SALT] to add all vital recordings from the previous visit.
You can also click on the [ellipsis icon] and click SALT from the dropdown to add all vital recordings from the previous visit.
Click on the edit icon to edit Vitals.
Update the values and click on save button or click on cancel to discard the changes.
Click on the trash icon to delete a Vital from the existing list of Vitals.
For Weight, Height, height at Age >25, Heart Rate, Pulse, Temperature, Oxygen Saturation, Blood pressure, Glucose by Glucometer, Respiratory Rate,Head circumference and BMI, the above mentioned procedures should be followed for recording.
The head circumference details can be recorded only for infants up to the age of 5.
The BMI is also automatically generated after the values for weight and height are entered.
To save vitals, filling the test result field is mandatory.
The Unit[s] once selected will be saved as your user preference and appear as your default unit for all other entries for the vital until they are manually updated.
Once the show timestamp is selected, the date, time, added/ modified user information of all vital readings in the EHR will be available.
The SALT option will help data stored only in the previous EHR to be added in the current EHR.
This option will not include any data if vitals have not been recorded previously for the patient or if it is not included to the previous EHR.
Click on the graph icon available in the Vital module header to view a graphical representation of the readings included.
Click on options like All, 5y [Five Years], 1y [One Year], 3m [Three months], 1m [One month], 1w [One week], and 1d [1 day] to view the graphical representation of readings added in these days..
Click on show table view icon to view a table view of the details added; clicking again on the [graph icon] will reverse the view to the graphical representation.
Click on the add icon available next to the saved details in the tabular view to add it to the current list.
Click on the maximize view icon to expand the view of the graph to full screen.
Click on the print icon available in the full screen view to print the graph details.
Click on the [Add multiple button] to add vitals.
Vitals - Enter the required Vital recordings.
Unit : You have the option to choose different units of measurement.
Curated RangeCurated range is a range of normal values for the given vital measurements.
Abnormal : If the measurement results are abnormal, the background color of the vital changes color, as a warning.
Click on [save button] to save the details entered or click on cancel to discard details entered and exit.
Click on More and choose Show(ie. Show BMI) vitals from the list to include them to the Vitals form. Click on More and choose Hide(ie. Hide BMI) vitals from the list to remove them from the Vitals form.
Click on to the trash icon available next to any already saved Vital using the Add multiple form.
Update the values and click on [save button] to save the details entered or click on cancel to discard details entered and exit.
Click on the trash icon to delete all the Vital readings entered in the form.
- The Unit[s] once selected will be saved as your user preference and appear as your default unit for all other entries for the vital until they are manually updated