Symptoms help to record any subjective sign or evidence of disease.
Go to the Patient's Health Record page.
Click on the add icon to add Symptom.
ICD-10-CM R (optional) - This helps the health care provider to search and identify the symptom from the [International Classification of Diseases] list provided. Choose any one symptom from the drop down list.
Symptom - Enter any symptom description for the patient or any other information as a reference.
From Date - Select or enter the date from when the symptom exists, or the present date is recorded as the default From Date.
Click on save button to save the details entered or click on cancel button to discard details entered.
Click on the edit icon or simply click on the added symptom to edit the Symptom.
Update ICD-10-CM R, Symptom or From Date and click on save to update or click on the cancel to discard the changes.
Click on the trash icon to delete a symptom from the existing list of symptoms.
On creating a new EHR and if the patient has data in the symptom module on the previous EHR. it will be shown in the new EHR.
Click on to record symptoms as cured from the existing symptom history.
Small pull down screen shows up, clicking on the tick icon if the symptom is cured.
- Click on the ellipsis icon and select Past Cured Symptom to check out the already cured Symptoms list.
To save symptoms, selecting an ICD code or filling the symptom field is mandatory.
The dot icon on the left side of the symptom indicates existing symptoms from previous doctor visits and cannot be modified here, but can be recorded as cured.