You can change your password by following the steps given below

  • Click on the settings button available on the left side menu or click the profile picture and choose it from the dropdown.

  • Click on Change Your Password

  • Enter your Current Password and your new Password twice and click change to update your password and click on cancel to discard and exit.

Make sure that you create a unique password to prevent someone from breaking into your account. Here are a few tips for creating a password and keeping it safe.

Here are a few tips in creating your password, remembering them and keeping it safe.

  • Your password should be easy for you to remember without being obvious for someone else to guess.

  • Longer passwords are safe.

  • Avoid common patterns and think out of the box.

  • Don't choose a dictionary word as your password.

  • Include a variety of characters, such as symbols, numbers, and mix capital and lowercase letters.

  • Never tell anyone your password.

  • Never write down your password.

  • We strongly recommend you to change the password Periodically (at least once a month)

  • Avoid using personal information in your password.

  • Avoid using the same password on multiple websites.