A warning call, alarm or an important message, where attention could be provided.

Go to the Patient's Health Record page.

How to Add?
  • Click on the add icon in the  alert module.
  • Description - Enter the alerts of the patient which can be viewed in future visits until it is removed or updated
  • Visibility - Choice of Access can be selected from the dropdown.
  • Click on the save button to save the details entered (or) click on cancel to discard details entered and exit.

How to Update or Delete?
  • Click on the edit icon/ click on the added alert  to edit alert from existing alert list.
  • Click on the trash icon  to delete an alert from the existing alert list if it is not relevant any more.

  • To save an alert, description and visibility is mandatory.

  • Every time an alert is saved its background color changes to yellow as a warning.

  • Everyone: Allows all professionals including doctors and staff

  • By doctors: Access given only to doctors

  • By me only: Only the particular doctor is provided access

  • An alert will be automatically displayed when the provider saves an information into the current EHR with relation to any CDS rule.
  • All CDS alerts will be saved and displayed in the alert module with a CDS label attached to them.
  • Click on the edit icon/click the added CDS  and click on the [View CDS button] to view the complete details related to the CDS rule.
  • Click on the delete icon to remove it from the current EHR or click on the [Back icon] to exit.

  • The CDS alert available in an EHR will be not visible in the next EHR similar to other Alert details.
  • Once the status of any CDS rule is updated as INACTIVE, all CDS notification[s] available in Alert module of various EHR[s] in reference to the rule will be automatically removed.