Every time a patient visits the doctor, it is the doctor's priority and duty to maintain a record of that particular visit. The health care provider records the reason behind the patient visit and important details like what observations were made by the doctor, medications prescribed, any specific instructions given, and much more.

Follow these steps to record a patient's medical visit.

How to create a Patient's Health Record?
Option 1 - You can click on the [create new EHR icon] available in the Patient profile page.

Option 2 - You can click on the [+ Record] button available in the Patient medical history page after searching and selecting the patient using their name, email, phone number, or kpid.

Customize EHR modules view :
  • You can simply click on a module and drag and drop it anywhere in the page to customize the page according to order of your preference.

  • Click on the Reset setting option from the ellipsis for the page to return to its default view.
Show/ Hide Features:
  • Click on the settings button in the bottom of the health record page to show/hide options.

  • Once the hide/show option is used for a particular feature, it will remain as default for all new health records but previously saved data in those particular fields will be visible always.

Favorite: You can directly save a detail that you have added to your favorites  by clicking on the favorite[star]  icon available in the options.

How to add?

  • Place the mouse cursor over the options and click on the favorite icon.
  • To add new favorites click on the add new favorite icon.
  • To assign the detail to a label, click on add label and choose your preferred label to store the added details.
  • Confirm by clicking on the checkbox available next to the label.If you need to create a new label, click on Create New Label from in the Select label window and create a new label.
  • Add the name of the new label and click on the  add button to create the label.
  • To remove a label that has been selected, click on the remove icon[X] available in the selected label.
  • To add the favorite data to the health record click the add icon.

How to utilize the favorite item?

  • Click the favorite icon in the modules on the health record page to view the list of favorite added to that module
  • We can add label to the favorite using the add label option
  • We can search the favorite using the label added to the favorites
  • Multiple label can be added to the favorites
  • We can also edit the added label.
  • You can add the same detail to many labels simultaneously.
  • The details saved as favorites will appear in the most recent order in the favorite window.

Follow-up: - A follow-up for the visit can be scheduled from the EHR page.

  • Once an EHR is created the follow up option will be shown.
  • Click the follow-up button available on top of the EHR page.
  • Date : Click on the date field and select your preferred date from the calendar.
  • Appointment : Click on the Fix Appointment button and select the preferred slot from the available time slots for the chosen date.
  • Update the description if required and/or click on the [Save button]   to confirm the follow up appointment. Click on the trash icon to discard details entered and exit.

How to delete a Follow-up appointment?
  • To delete a scheduled follow-up visit from the EHR page, and click on the show follow up button 
  • Follow-up: Click on the [Trash icon] available next to the Date and Time to delete.


  • The follow-up option will be available only after the EHR ID of the current EHR is generated.
  • Once the appointment is fixed, the details will be available in the appointment calendar of the Doctor and notifications will also be sent similar to when appointments are fixed from the Appointment page.

Export CCD - The complete CCD document of the patient can be exported.

How to export?
  • Click the ellipses icon and select the export CCD option.
  • Once selected, the CCD-xml file of the patient will be exported.

How to complete a Patient Health Record?

The health care provider can complete a medical record of a patient by signing, affirming that the particular visit of the patient is complete. After completion, the health record cannot be further edited, but it is available for viewing for future reference.

To complete a medical record, click on the complete button and authenticate by providing a doctor's password.

  • Doctor email ID: The Email ID of the doctor / user who created the health record will be shown. It is an disabled field.  
  • Password: The doctor's password should be entered here.
  • Date in Complete: Click on Past date medical history entry and select the preferred past date you prefer to record as the completed date of the EHR.
  • Click on the complete button to complete the EHR or click on the cancel button to cancel the details entered. 

  • When a health record is completed by the health care institution for a patient, an email/sms will be sent to their registered email id/phone number [if provided by patient]
  • A unique EHR# ID is generated for each health record, which helps the health care provider to track the health record for future reference.
  • Once the Health record is completed, a notification message with the link of the completed EHR will be sent to the already selected user[s] in the Notification panel available in the settings page. This notification message will be sent via the 75health message module.
  • Once you complete any EHR date and time, it will be displayed in updated option given in the top of the right side in the health record.

Print :
  • Click on the print icon to print details.
  • Block View: This option will enable users to print details in the block view.
  • Row View: This option will enable users to print details in the row view.
  • Select Modules: This option will enable users to select the preferred modules that need to appear in the print.
  • Don't print Unused Modules: This option will enable users to print details of only modules with health record details.
  • A sample preview of the document to be printed will always be visible here.
  • Once completed click on the Print button to confirm the changes and proceed to print.
  • The changes made to the print preference will be stored as the default print option for all future prints, until updated by the user.

How to print the Prescription/Vaccine/Test Order?
  • Click on the dropdown icon in the print all button available at the bottom of each health record and select Prescription/Vaccine/Test order/Visit prescription/Visit Record to print the details.

Time Stamp:- This feature once enabled will help you view the details of the User, Date, and Time of adding details to the Vital, Procedure, Test Order, and Note modules.

How to Show/ Hide Timestamp?
  • Click on the ellipsis icon and select the show/hide timestamp.
  • The timestamp will be automatically activated once details are added to the  modules.

  • Once the hide/show option is used for an EHR, the feature will be activated only for that particular EHR.
  • The timestamp feature will be available only for the Vitals, Test Order, Procedure and notes module.

Reset Default Setting: - You can reset all the changes made to the EHR page view to return to the default view.

How to Reset Setting? - Click on the Ellipsis icon in the EHR page and click on the Reset default setting option.

QR Code: - You can scan the QR code using a mobile or scanner to share/ view the EHR and profile information of this patient.


  • Using this feature, the patient/ user can share the EHR/ patient profile information from their respective logins to a different hospital or to another device using the 75health EHR platform.
  • The user if already not logged in will be requested to login to their 75health User account to successfully view the scanned information.
  • The same QR code will be available in the print copy of the EHR.
  • QR code will be available in the following places:  Patient profile, Patient id card, Booked appointment, Billing and health record.
  • QR code will be enabled in the new health record only after entering any data in the new health record.

Delete :
  • Click on the delete button available in the bottom of the EHR page and confirm by clicking on delete button to delete or click on Dismiss to exit.
  • Once confirmed to delete, details added to this EHR will be completely erased along with the EHR ID.

Generate Bill:

  • Click on the Generate Bill button or the dropdown.
  • Click on the Generate Bill button billing button or choose Generate Bill option from the dropdown to directly navigate to the Invoice page to generate the bill for the current EHR..
  • Clicking on the Generate Bill button and selecting the Generate Bill from EHR option from the dropdown will automatically assign all billable items from the current EHR to the invoice.
  • This button will be available only after the EHR ID is generated.


  • The details added in the EHR will be available under the Used in EHR section in the Invoice page when the Generate Bill option is selected.
  • The pricing details will be available only for the Prescription, Test Order, Vitals and Procedure details added in the current EHR.
  • Once the Generate Bill option is used, the Generate Bill button will be replaced with the Go to Billing button.