Follow the below added directions to create a new user profile;

How to create a new user?

Click on the [New User] button available on the user page.

Create a User account :

  • First name: The first name of the user can be entered here.

  • Last name: The last name of the user can be entered here.

  • Title: The Title for the user can be selected form the dropdown.

Note: If you select the dropdown option as Doctor it will create Doctor account

  • Email ID: Enter the user's email ID.

  • Select Role: The user role can be selected here from the dropdown list [Standard User/Doctor].

  • Country Code: The country code can be saved here.

  • Phone: The user's phone number can be saved here.

  • Click on (Create button) to save the details entered or click on (Cancel button) to discard details entered and exit.


  • Once a new user is created, a unique KDiD is generated for User identification.

  • An activation link will be sent to the provided email Id. And once the link is activated, the user can access their user account.

  • Once a valid phone number is saved, a confirmation text will be sent to the user's phone via SMS informing them about their account creation.