The below-added directions will help you generate different billing reports.

 Click on the billing option from the left side of the menu. 

  • Search patient: Enter the patient’s name in the patient name textbox or choose from the dropdown.
  • Search doctor/user: Enter the doctor’s name in the doctor/user name textbox or choose from the dropdown.
  • Bill: To create a new bill click on the new bill icon and add the items or services needed. Bills can be generated for already existing items as well.

Search Patient: Enter the name, KPiD, p: phone, e: email, birth date, and/or a: address of a particular patient and select the required patient from the list to prepare a receipt reportThe empty patient field will display receipt report for all patients.

Search Doctor/User: Enter the KDiD, partial name, or email id of a particular doctor or click the dropdown key and select the required doctor from the list to prepare a receipt report. The empty doctor field will display a receipt report for all doctors.

Click on the [New Bill] button to prepare a new receipt for the particular patient.

Generate Report: Click on the Filter button available to generate a report. You can generate the report using details such as Doctor Name, Patient Name, Payment Status, or Payment Type. You can also customize your search preference using the Date or Group by using the options available. Click on the apply button after adding the preferred filters for the report to be generated. Click on the Clear Filter button to remove the filters. You can also print a copy of the report.

Date: You can select the date according to your preference to generate a report.

Group By: You can select your preference for grouping the reports according to the Date/User or None.

Payment: Click and select any payment type from the dropdown to view the list of All/ Paid or unpaid invoices.

Cash: Click and select any payment type from the dropdown list to view the Cash, Credit Card, Cheque, and Insurance invoices.
The Total, Paid, Unpaid and Overpaid details of all invoices will always be available at the bottom of the page.

To generate a bill report, enter any three characters in the Doctor or Patient field and select the required Doctor/Patient from the list.

Add details in any particular field for a bill report to be generated, all fields are not mandatory.

The total, paid, unpaid, and overpaid details of invoices will be modified to display accurate metrics as filters are applied.


How to export?
  • Click on the ellipsis icon on the billing page
  • Click on Export from the dropdown list.
  • Once selected, a CSV file with the billing information will be exported.
If filters are applied, the exported CSV file will consist of the report generated along with the filters. 

Remove all filters to export the complete list of invoices.

More: - Click on the More button to expand and view more details available on the list.

Print: - Click on the print icon or click on the ellipsis icon and select Print to print the reports.