An account in provides you with access to the Health Care information system. This will allow you to register a Hospital, Doctors, Hospital staff[s], and Patients associated with the hospital. Each type of user will have access to various types of information specific to them.

You can create an account by clicking on the SIGN-UP button.


During Sign Up the below-added information will be collected to successfully set up the account.

  • First Name - First name of the person.

  • Last Name - Last name of the person.

  • Email ID - Enter your email address. Your email id will be your username, you can use this email address to sign in to your account. Your email id is not case sensitive and you can use letters, numbers, or special characters.

  • Mobile Number - Select the country code and enter your phone number.

  • Terms and conditions - Kindly read the terms and conditions before signing up for our product.

  • By clicking Create Account, you agree that you have read and agreed to our Terms and conditions.

Next Steps

Once the your account is created it needs to be activated. Here is how to active your account.